

Recently, I decided to work on some tools and put them online. I am doing this for educational purposes and activities so please use them wisely. Make sure you change the layout of your CMD / Console and make it wider to see better results


This provides tcp profiling. It only alerts on session initiation and won't alert on already established sessions. One can easily find out all server communication


Start it as administrator and make sure you install PCAP package which is required for this tool to work. PCAP install takes 5 seconds. PCAP installer is within the same package (PASSWD: foo)


The tool will take a snap shot of all running processes and only alert for new processes. New alert will be shown ONLY once.

Format is: TimeStamp, name of the process, PID of the process, PARENT_PID and PARENT_NAME


The tool MUST be started as administrator. It is very similar to the NewProcessWatch tool, the only difference is that it will take a snap shot of the services and alert on new ones


Tool has a server (CnC) and a DLL file. Server files can run on OS MAC and Kali Linux.

TestServer_MAC_OS PortNumber // IF WELL KNOWN PORT, RUN WITH SUDO TestServer_KALI_LINUX_OS PortNumber

This will start a web server on the specified OS (On a provided PortNumber)

On windows side you can run the DLL to send data to the web server. Use the following command line

rundll32 foo.dll,hello DATA_TO_SEND_TO_SERVER // No spaces allowed :) To make sure that the proper IP and port is provided, open a file called 'conf' in the same folder and add the following IPAddress PortNumber E.g 80 Now run rundll32 command

Format on server is: TimeStamp, DataReceived, IPAddress in HEX and sourcePortNumber

Some other tools


Recursive file search



Convert Binary file to hex

bHex.exe payload.exe newFileName


Converted hex file back to binary

hBin.exe hexFileName newBinary.exe

getIp.exe Get all ip addresses


getHash.exe Get hash of a file

getHash.exe PATH_TO_FILE


Test scenario is very simple. Download all the files. Unzip the package (PASSWD: foo). You will find two folders.

TEST_SHAMOON_BIN has the main binary. Right click on it and run as administrator. Please note that this binary is for testing purpose ONLY. I have made it in a way that wiper function won't overwrite yout MBR. Each time you initiate the binary, it will drop a payload with a different hash and execute it.
0xff folder has the binary that will show you if 2nd stage files are dropped && if service(s) are started. Binary is called RUNME.exe. You MUST open CMD as admin and run this command. Shamoon doesnt run if wiper service is already running. If you want to re-run, please remove the service first.

      To download (PASSWORD: foo)

Here is the flow

Other tools you can download (Detect Shamoon 2) Password as usual: foo



Password to all zip files: foo

I am going to add more tools here including different malware payloads developed from the scratch e.g. PsExec, reverseShell with audio and video recorder, In-house ransomware, Hooks and forensic tools